We think the miraculous thing that Raphael Fernandez finds could be...
- a house under the trash
- hope - for a better place to live, fresh water, fresh food
- treasure - gold?
- a key to a secret door
- a computer that still works
- a magic crystal that takes him to another world, where they live in luxury
- a purse with lots of money (thousands) and the purse is valuable too
- Nintendo
- a rusty, musty hennessy venom
- a shining box with magical powers in it
- a magic locket that when opens, it travels to another world
- a globe that controls the earth
- something that could grant wishes
- a genie that gives him a massive tower to live in
- a broken down money machine, clogged with money
- petrol station
- a chicken that lays golden eggs
- an underground world
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