Tuesday, 24 February 2015

'What ifs' for Journal writing

Here are some 'what if' statements you can use to inspire you for your writing.  Consider using the six thinking hats to help guide your ideas.

What if the world was Cadbury?
What if deer took over the world?
What if every person spoke a different language?
What if fairy tales were true?
What if it was always sunny?
What if there was an eclipse for an entire year?
What if the world was invaded by aliens?
What if there was no Christmas?
What if we were still in the stone age?
What if dinosaurs took over earth?
What if we were all wizards or witches?
What if we didn’t have to go to school?
What if animals could talk?
What if there was no money?
What if there were no cars?
What if we were all immortal?
What if we had no food?
What if we had no legs?
What if pigs could fly?
What if we never grew old?
What if humans grew eight more eyes?
What if it was our birthday every single day?
What if there was no fun in the world?
What if we lived in trees?
What if we had four arms?
What if there was no electricity?
What if the only food was fruit?
What if we were all blind?
What if insects were bigger than humans?
What if Miss McNae took over the world?
What if there were no electronic devices?
What if the sky was green?
What if the Earth collided with the Sun?

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Trash, by Andy Mulligan

We are about to read a novel called 'Trash'.  Here's the link to the book trailer.

We think the miraculous thing that Raphael Fernandez finds could be...

  • a house under the trash
  • hope - for a better place to live, fresh water, fresh food
  • treasure - gold?
  • a key to a secret door 
  • a computer that still works
  • a magic crystal that takes him to another world, where they live in luxury
  • a purse with lots of money (thousands) and the purse is valuable too
  • Nintendo
  • KFC
  • a rusty, musty hennessy venom
  • a shining box with magical powers in it
  • a magic locket that when opens, it travels to another world
  • a globe that controls the earth
  • something that could grant wishes
  • a genie that gives him a massive tower to live in
  • a broken down money machine, clogged with money
  • petrol station
  • a chicken that lays golden eggs
  • an underground world